Disque Avaré - (14) 3732-3482

18/07/2013 18h15


The latest cover of Rolling Stone sparked a storm on the internet, according to reports from several other American sites, such as the ACB News and the Boston Herald.


All this uproar was a page that is dominated by an image of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, one of the men responsible for planting bombs during the Boston Marathon in April, killing three people and injuring 260.


The cover line is ignoring the fact that he is innocent until the contrary is proved, says "The bomber crashed into radical Islam and became a monster."


So much uproar, the Internet was dominated by people who did not accept the photo Dzhokhar Tsarnaev one of Rolling Stone Banners, today it is the main article of several sites.


Tsarnaev Rolling the bomber photo

Tsarnaev Rolling the bomber photo (Photo: Disclosure).



People wonder how the creator of this banner had the courage to put a picture of a terrorist, who was able to injure hundreds of people in a single day.


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has not pleaded guilty last week had more than 30 charges against him related to atendado, seventeen of the charges led to the death penalty, all promoters has yet to say whether they approve of this kind of punishment Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.


So far no one has to clarify the picture of the banner Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Rolling Stone, the accessory group says that the photo was to cause hair Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, nothing has been proven.


See the picture that is making people thousands compartilhares in your social networks below.


Rolling Stone the bomber

Rolling Stone the bomber (Photo: Disclosure).




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